Cleaning Products
Bleach 6% - 5 Litre
Bleach 6% - 5 Litre
Bleach 6% is a yellow thin liquid with a characteristic chlorine odour. This product offers excellent disinfection properties against virulent organisms, especially gram negative rods which are becoming increasingly troublesome to control due to increasing incidence of acquired resistance. Chlorine compounds are well recognised as a disinfectant for selected applications in hospitals and more recently greater emphasis is being placed on the use of these compounds.
Bleach 6% a liquid chlorine bleach, offering the advantage of being a whitener and stain remover for use on white cotton, linens and poly cotton.
Bleach 6% is suitable for Commercial and Domestic use, making it ideal not only for your home but also for hospitals, nursing homes and hotels.
- Phosphate Free
- Biodegradable Surfactants
- Concentrated 60g/L Sodium Hypochlorite
- Deodorises, cleans and disinfects
- Removes Stains in Kitchens
- Cleans Bathrooms
- Whitens Clothes and Nappies
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